Thursday, May 6, 2010

Wigger: Because Its Not Good Enough Just To Be An Idiot

As if the pictures don't say it all...this is something that absolutely needs to be addressed.

Now I in no way condone dressing this stupid period. Whether you're black, white, yellow, brown, purple, red...who gives a fuck. Don't do it. You look fucking stupid!

But the reason that I target the white people...or wiggers, is because at least black people can sort of get away with this style. But wiggers....not at all. Not even a little bit.

It doesn't make you look cool. It doesn't make you look tough. It doesn't give you street cred. It does however make you one thing. A big fuckin target!

This simply gives anybody a reason to make fun of you. And sure as hell serves as probable cause for the ass-whoopin of your life.

Walking around shirtless or in a wife beater with your chicken chest by no means is a good idea. And the baggy clothes...come on now. The baggy clothes started because people couldn't afford new clothes. So clothes were passed down through the generations and you got what you got. If it didn't fit, at least it kept you warm. Now I know this isn't the case with most of you dumb ass wiggers. Half of you are probably the walking inspiration for Malibu's Most are an insult not only to your parents success, but to all of the people that actually don't have a choice but to dress that way. 

And here's a nice little side note. You all love to sag your pants because you think it makes you look gangster. And none of you stupid mother fuckers even know the origins of pant-sagging. So allow me to tell you.

In prison, pant-sagging was a way of differentiating fags. The guys who wore their pants low were sending a message alright. They were telling everyone around them that their asshole was easily accessible for a good ramming.

So wiggers....cut the fuckin shit. Someone ramming a foot up your ass should be the least of your concerns. Turn your hat around. Buy clothes that fit. And show people that your educated. Stop walking around with your hood rich wardrobe and your black-cents. If you want to romanticize the struggle of growing up in a rough area...just come knocking on my door. I'll be happy to shoot at you.

1 comment:

lucky said...

where do u live cuz ill be at your door real qwick i dress how you describe because i am broke and live in the hood so stop being a rasist ass hater them rich kids give us white boys a bad name but that dusent give u the right to call me out and by the way peoples pant sag cuz they too big

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