Thursday, May 6, 2010

Ohh the People of Wal-Mart: God Bless Their Souls

I just so happened to be clicking through some pages on Stumble Upon...great experience if your looking to just space out for a few...but anyways. I came across a few different sites that had articles entitled "The People of Wal-mart." Now of course when we think Wal-Mart, what do we think about besides annoying little smiley face that bounces up and down and whistles stupid fucking songs that you always manage to get stuck in your head?

Class...right? We think Wal-Mart and we think Class. Nothing but the finest crowds and customers. maybe that's not the case. Actually that's far from the case. But I have to say, every time I walk into a Wal-Mart I know that I'm guaranteed at least one good laugh. And I always go in expecting to see some shit that human eyes should never bare witness to. And that being said...

These are the people of Wal-Mart.

I can't think of a single better marketing ploy than having Justin Timberlake stand at your store front. People must see this and run...away. FAST!

Upon looking at this I had plenty of things to say...once I caught my breath! The irony of this is just too much. I'll leave the punchline up to you.

 Hey Buddy...maybe this isn't for me to say. But I'm thinking the purchase of an air-freshener should be the least of your concerns right now. Oh there's a sale you say?...Ok never mind...carry on....Oh by the way...YOU SHIT YOUR PANTS YOU NASTY FUCK!

Really? I was hoping while I was reading it you were buying a new wardrobe. Oh well. Hey there's a guy you'd get along great with in the air-freshener aisle.

Excuse me miss...I'm sorry to bother you but I just had to say something. This may be sort of blunt but I am a breast man myself, and I was just wondering...when did they starts making boobs for the back?

"Fuck...I don't have as much money as I thought I did. Well I guess just give me a pack of Misty Menthol 100's and I'll have to come back again for the toothpaste later....Oh and you guys don't carry crack rock do you? No? You know of any place close by that does?"

Well...this has been my first rendition of, The People of Wal-Mart. So until next time. When you get to sweatin the small stuff... just be glad you're not these people!

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