Thursday, February 11, 2010

PC for Dee-duh-dee's

There is something that I feel is my responsibility to clear up regarding the people who share views and opinions similar to mine, and I cannot stress this enough. Whoever supports the idea of speaking in a politically correct manner... you need to put the crack pipe down. When I hear somebody say that I am offensive to different groups of people because I'm not politically correct... I can't help but laugh. If you haven't noticed... anybody can find anything offensive no matter how it is worded. That being said, I understand that I may happen to offend some people, but being PC has nothing to do with it.

Taking the time to be politically correct is retarded. Yes, thats right... retarded. Not mentally challenged... RE-TAR-DED. Now lets think about my use of that word, shall we? How many mentally handicapped people were actually just offended by me saying that. UMMM... I'm gonna go with NONE! First off... I did not walk up to a disabled person, call them a retard, laugh at them, push them over, and then continue to laugh hysterically while the struggled to get up. Now THAT would be wrong... I understand that... I'm not that big of an asshole.

But here's my point... today we all use terms like gay, homo, fag, retard, sped, etc. But if I call my buddy a fag, then HE is being insulted... I am not insulting the gay community. Just because I use words like this doesn't mean I'm homophobic, racist, or... anti-retarded people??...regardless... you get the point.

And I know I'm definitely not alone on this one...because it's just another example of how we all sweat the small stuff.

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