Have you ever found yourself swearing at your steering wheel? Ever caught yourself giving the finger to something that you just stubbed your toe on? Do you often have to contain yourself from wanting to reach out and slap the stupid out of somebody?

Now there are plenty or people out there who advocate: "Don't sweat the small stuff." "It's not healthy to get worked up about the little things."

And to all those people....Shut the fuck up! There's just not way around it. We All Sweat the Small Stuff.

We sweat over the stupid shit that people say and do!

We sweat over the everyday bullshit that this world throws in our path!

We sweat over the things in this world that we don't understand!

We sweat over different beliefs in politics and religion!

WHY?!?!.....Because these things piss us off! I'm a firm believer that it is actually healthy to talk about the small stuff we sweat. Because if we don't, we're gonna see the heart attack, suicide, and murder rates double...every week!

So let's stay healthy! Let the bullshit fly and the controversy flow!