Sunday, May 2, 2010

Obesity is Absolutely Not a "Disease"

The recent news is that obesity is a disease. MMMM it's not. A disease is something that you cannot help. You can help being a fat gluttonous slob. Now..don't get me wrong, there are certain diseases and health problems that CAUSE obesity, such as glandular issues. BUT that in no way, fat round shape, or form makes obesity a disease. I mean what is the illness?

Fat Slob: "Oh fuck me..I'm so goddamn Ill."

Me: "Oh I'm sorry to hear that. What's wrong?"

Fat Slob: "Everything tastes good. I just can't stop eating because everything tastes good...except healthy foods, BLAHH!! Not those."

I mean come on now. Fat is FAT. Not a disease! If anything it's an addiction, an addiction to food.

Well...people are addicted to smoking cigarettes...and that's not a disease. And just like over-eating, smoking can lead to health risks like cancer and heart problems.

Yes...fat people may be prone to more diseases and helth risks because they are fat. BUT BEING FAT IS NOT A DISEASE!!

And how can we call obesity a disease and say that being gay isn't a disease, it's a choice? Now I am in no way a fan of homo's, but we have to be fair. You can choose whether or not you want to eat your way to obesity... but you can't choose if you want to be gay. I mean come on...are you telling me THIS is his choice?!?!

I'm gonna say no. He looks pretty fucking sick to me.

Obesity is a choice, it's not a disease. I mean people are weighing in at 700, 800, and even 1000+ pounds. How the fuck can somebody do that to themselves? I mean, you would think someone would hop on the scale at like 500 lbs and think..."500 pounds...that's a lot, FOR A HUMAN BEING!"

Don't give these gluttonous, lazy slobs an excuse to be obese by saying it's a disease.

Oh and one last thing. Child obesity is a sad sad thing. If you fat ass parents want to have kids...then take care of them. Feeding a child to the point where he is 8 years old and weights more than most full grown men...that's child abuse. We should lock you people up for fucking up your child's future.

This is not okay. We may sweat the small stuff. But this poor kid sweats all day.

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